Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need writing experience to take Writing for Healing?

You do not have to consider yourself a writer to take this class. We cultivate a writing practice with no pressure to share the results. Your whole life is the experience you bring to the process.

How many people will be in my group?

Classes are limited to 12 people and will need at least 4 people to run. Small classes help build a sense of trust, safety, and community.

Is Writing for Healing group therapy?

I am not a therapist, and the classes are not therapy. They provide you with tools and support to facilitate your own healing, and are not a substitute for therapy.

Do I have to write about my trauma?

You decide what you want to write about and when you are ready to write about it. There is no expectation or pressure to write about anything you don’t want to explore.

How much work do I have to do between classes?

Usually there is a chapter or article of 5-10 pages to read between classes in addition to a regular writing practice. You decide how much writing you can and want to do each week and develop a practice that eases into your schedule without stress.

Will my stories or writing be shared with anyone?

We establish an expectation of confidentiality early in the class. It is up to each person to decide what they want to share with other class members, and what you share stays in the class.

Anything else?

Please contact me if you have questions!